One key reason people are unable to sustain a full recovery is split intentions. They embrace two opposing intentions: to fully recover (a conscious intention) and to maintain the current state (an unconscious intention). When the intention to resist recovery is acknowledged and made conscious, full recovery becomes possible. Listen to the audio below to heal any and all split intentions that may be obstructing your recovery.
Split Intentions
This meditation will remain posted for two weeks because there are 10 daily meditations that I have recorded to support the healing of split intentions that may be obstructing your recovery.
© Parkinsons Recovery
Hi Susan:
This weekly meditation is actually much shorter than the usual weekly meditations. It is only 6+ minutes long.
It feeds into the daily meditations about this subject which have been posted this past week (and will be posted next week) on the Short Meditations member page. The short meditations are posted each week day on the companion member website.
I just figured I would change it all up a bit this week. Some people do not like listening to something that is as long as 30 minutes.
Nope! See response above! Robert